One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Everyone is interesting... Spalding Gray said that and you know what? He was as right in 2002 as he is in 2022. If you give people the chance to, they’ll stretch your head. The Head Stretchers Society is an ideology based on curiosity, a series of experiences, and an archive of the people who stretch our heads;
from farmers, movement inspired performance artists, sculptors, opera singers, and dumpling creators, these are people who open our minds, and we hope they do the same for you.
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Lake Champlain’s the jewel of the Green Mountains, a place we all love; as the Lake Champlain Lakekeeper, an official title, it’s Julie Silverman’s job to love it the most. She brings a levity and a passion for doing good for our corner world that’s sorely needed if we’re to make any difference at all.
Her dad was a racer, and she’s one too. Over at Thunder Road in Barre, Taylor Hoar is one of the only women laying down rubber on that sacred asphalt. Beating racers twice her age and doing it with cutting humor, she’s one reason Vermont’s as special as it is.
The notion of mindfulness is a condition of whole hearted nowness understood best by monks and by mountain climbers. As a former guide at The Matterhorn, Josey Furrer has carried his passion for the here and the now from the Alps to Vermont where he lives the quiet life of a sheep farmer.
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Clark Russel lives his art, his entire life has been, in a sense, art; from painting and collage to metal wall sculpture, experiential design, punk ideologies and sound collages, they all speak for themselves.
Few in Burlington have fed as many as Hong; she’s a wonder with her dumplings, and with her Tai Chi, too. There’s a lot more to her than just delicious food, though that would be enough.
Born in Marktoberdorf, Germany, now living and collaborating in Vermont, Erika Senft Miller, is an interdisciplinary performance artist and creator of multi-sensory experiences that invite people to open their minds and we hope to do the same for you.
Five generations of Ishams have taken care of the family’s 108-acre farm in Williston, Vermont; Mike and his wife Helen are the current caretakers. They do it all, from blueberries to Christmas trees and maple sugaring.
They've become Vermont legends along the way and Mike's got the farm wisdom born of the journey.
Head Stretchers Society Experiences
The Head Stretchers Society does more than videos, we’re in the real world too with engaging experiences, film showings, and whatever else pops into our, or our friends heads.
We have an “anti talk-at-people” sensibility, we do what we do to bring people together by creating the conditions for real engagement that might just stretch our collective heads.
Know a Head Stretcher?
We all have people in our lives or that we intersected with on our journeys that stretch our heads and expand the way we see the world; if you think somebody you know might be a good fit for one of the videos or experiences we share,
or perhaps you yourself might be, drop us a line. We’re always looking for new, interesting people to stretch with.
Our Logo On Things
Does anyone really need another tee or tote? Maybe, if they're great quality, simple and designed by typography nerds.
These tees and totes can help turn you into a mobile head stretcher... just by virtue of wearing them around, they start conversations.
Our tee shirts and totes come in any color you want, as long as it’s black or white. If you want one, drop us a line.
Tee - $20
Tote - $25
Tote - $25